Dive 1st Aid

Dive 1st First Aid Lionfish Sting Scuba Diving Kit


Lionfish Sting Kit

      Great way to be prepared for minor injuries

   Immediate solutions for any marine life bite or sting

   This kit is vital if you are hunting Lionfish

   Contains commonly needed creams and ointments

   Includes a water resistant clam shell case

With lionfish an ever increasing problem, the odds of being stung are growing. Throwing this kit in your dive bag will prepare you to handle this type of injury.


This kit comes in a water resistant clam shell case and is packed with all the supplies you need to neutralize the sting, as well as clean and care for the wound. Included in this kit are items like band aids, gauze wraps, elastic wraps, forceps, scissors, gloves, instant hot packs, razors, sterile solution for irrigation, hydrocortisone cream, triple antibiotic ointment, and more.


The Lionfish Sting Kit is a must for any diver who may find themselves diving in Lionfish territory.

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